Support Articles

Fillable Activities

The update of activities from PDFs to HTML allows users to complete activities within their browser as an alternative to printing them out and filling them in by hand. Currently the update is active for all courses within the Infants & Toddlers, Preschool, School-Age, and Family Child Care tracks.

Forgot Password

Helpful tips on what to do when you forget your password.

Lesson Overview

Info about lesson design, structure, and completion.

Login Issues

Forgot password & pwresets, forgot username, lockouts, other issues (contact us)

My Account Overview

An overview of features every user can access via their VLS account.

Professional Development Track Overview

About VLS Professional Development Tracks

Progress & Certification Overview

An overview of the progress & certification process in the Virtual Lab School.

Progress Statuses

Training & Curriculum Specialists, Program Managers and above will be automatically enrolled in all courses in their track. However, when a new account is created for a Direct Care staff member, they will not be automatically enrolled in any courses. All courses in a track will display the “Unenrolled” status until the Direct Care staff member is enrolled in them by their Training & Curriculum Specialist or Program Manager (See Course Enrollment). After the Direct Care staff member is enrolled in a course, the course status will change to “Enrolled”.

Remove, Retire, or Deactivate Users

If you wish to remove a staff member from your staff roster because they are no longer employed by your program, or they have finished all their coursework, follow the instructions below.

If you wish to remove an account from your roster because it is a duplicate of another account, pleasecontact VLS Support.

If you have any questions regarding this tutorial, please reach out to VLS Support at

Staff Management Overview

虚拟实验万博体育下载手机版室的学校(VLS)旨在empower all child and youth care education professionals as they build their knowledge and skills around research-based practices. While all Virtual Lab School content is available to the public, currently only individuals employed by military child and youth programs are eligible to create a VLS user account (SeeAccount Registration Availability).

Switching a Staff Member's Role or Enrolled Track

Here is a quick guide on changing from one track to another and role change combinations.

Switching Roles and Tracks

Here is a quick guide on changing from one track to another and role change combinations.


Access to transcripts can be found at the top-right of every staff member’s Progress page.

Transcripts provide an official record of a staff member’s completed courses, including a list of all lessons within the completed course and the dates they were completed. Transcripts belonging to Direct Care staff members will also include the name of the Training & Curriculum Specialist or Program Manager who certified each course and lesson. In the case of other staff member’s, courses will show up as “Self-certified”.

Transfer or Reactivate Existing Users

Add an active user from another program to your program roster or reactivate an inactive user previously enrolled in VLS.
