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- 阐明您计划服务的每个人的身体活动的重要性。
- 申请knowledge to advocate for active lifestyles for everyone your program serves.

You are the “chief wellness officer” for your program. You are a role model and set an example for others to follow. When you are active and create a culture that values physical activity, you are more likely to motivate others at your program to do the same. In turn, your staff will pass along healthy habits to children and their families. Some ways to promote physical activity among staff may include: wearing a pedometer, taking a walk at lunch, participating with children on the playground, and sprucing up the grounds. When you incorporate physical activity into all aspects of your program, you are sending the message that this is a healthy place to grow, learn and work.
In many instances, physical activity has been replaced by inactivity. It’s common for family members to be inside watching television or using a computer rather than outside riding bikes or taking walks. In today’s heavily scheduled world, it’s even more uncommon to find families engaged in physical activities together. However, with everyone being so busy, exercise can be a great way to incorporate physical activity with quality family time. Exercising as a family has many benefits including improved health, increased self-esteem, and opportunities for deepening connections. By promoting an active lifestyle in your program, you are helping families get fit and have fun together.
Perhaps providing a computer for families to use to access the information while at the program may prove useful. Head Start’s 5-2-1-0 model provides an easy to remember strategy:
- 5:每天吃至少五个水果和蔬菜。
- 2:每天保持屏幕时间(如电视,视频游戏,计算机),每天下降两小时或更短时间。
- 1:每天获得一小时或更长时间的身体活动。
- 0: Drink 0 sugar-sweetened drinks. Replace soda, sports drinks, and fruit drinks with milk or water.
You can also send ideas home. The Apply section has some wonderful resources for families. One of the best is a simple calendar with ideas for movement every day of the year. These ideas help families build warm memories and lasting relationships while promoting fitness. Consider posting the calendar in your program, too, and using the ideas across settings.

A great way to disseminate information and promote an active lifestyle is to organize a fitness fair. Bringing in experts who can provide demonstrations and resources to children, families and staff is a great way to get everyone energized. In fact, there might be fitness experts among staff or families whose skills and knowledge you can utilize.

回顾以下内容Resources for Familiesthat help promote physical activity at home and in the community. Take some time to visit the resources and decide whether you could use any in your work.
健康孩子的行动。(2019)。Game on activity library.https://www.actionforhealthykids.org/game-on-activity-library/
Let’s Move Initiative (2014). Retrieved fromhttps://letsmove.obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/