Welcome to your new VLS Account! To help you get started, this guide will introduce you to the VLS content and show you how to use your account to review your progress and support your staff with VLS.
In depth guide to each Foundational Course’s Competency Reflection which provides self-reflection and a tool to assess and document observed competency.
The Crosswalk is a guide to aid in transitioning direct care staff who have completed the VLS in one track when they move to work with another age-group.
For information on Focused Topic certification and approval, please see the Focused topic subsection below.
Direct Care users require a Training & Curriculum Specialist (TC) or Program Manager (PM) to certify approval of each lesson and course.
Before a TC/PM can approve or disapprove a lesson, DC users must beenrolledin the respective track and course by a TC/PM before progress is recorded; and the DC user must follow these steps: