Support Articles

VLS Introduction and Overview Guide

Welcome to your new VLS Account! To help you get started, this guide will introduce you to the VLS content and show you how to use your account to review your progress and support your staff with VLS.

A Guide to End of Course Assessments

What are End of Course Assessments? How are they used? Where are they located?

Account Activation & First Login

Step by step instructions with visuals to help you through the account activation process.

Account Activation & First Login

Step by step instructions with visuals to help you through the account activation process.

Account Creation Suspended

Information for users who have had their account creation abilities suspended

Account Email Block

Why and how accounts are temporarily banned from receiving VLS email.

Account Email Block

Why and how accounts are temporarily banned from receiving VLS email.

Account Registration Availability

Who can get a registered account?

Add Existing User to My Roster (Transfer or Reactivate Accounts)

Add an active user from another program to your program roster or reactivate an inactive user previously enrolled in VLS.

Approving & Certifying User Progress

How to approve or disapprove a staff-member's completion of a lesson, course and track.

Approving a User’s Completion of a Lesson

How to approve or disapprove a staff-member's completion of a lesson.


What are certificates?

Competency Reflections

In depth guide to each Foundational Course’s Competency Reflection which provides self-reflection and a tool to assess and document observed competency.

Content Overview

An overview of the content available on the Virtual Lab School

Correcting New Accounts

If a mistake was made during account creation, it is important to edit the account to correct the mistake instead of creating a new account.

Correcting New Accounts

If a mistake was made during account creation, it is important to edit the account to correct the mistake instead of creating a new account.

Course Certification

What is course certification? How are courses certified?

Course Components Overview

A quick description of the course components and tools

Course Guide

Each course has an associated guide that highlights what users can expect to learn within the course.

Course Overview

What are courses on VLS?

Create New User

本教程将指导您完成nec的步骤essary to create a new user in the system who does not already have an account.

Create New User

本教程将指导您完成nec的步骤essary to create a new user in the system who does not already have an account.


The Crosswalk is a guide to aid in transitioning direct care staff who have completed the VLS in one track when they move to work with another age-group.

DC: Lesson Approval and Certification

For information on Focused Topic certification and approval, please see the Focused topic subsection below.

Direct Care users require a Training & Curriculum Specialist (TC) or Program Manager (PM) to certify approval of each lesson and course.

Before a TC/PM can approve or disapprove a lesson, DC users must beenrolledin the respective track and course by a TC/PM before progress is recorded; and the DC user must follow these steps:

Deactivate/Retire - Removing Staff from Rosters

If a staff member is leaving your program for any reason, follow these steps to remove them from your roster.

Edit a Staff Member's Account Details

Here's a quick guide on how to edit a staff member's account details including name, title, email, role, track enrollment, and locations.

Edit a Staff Member's Account Details

Here's a quick guide on how to edit a staff member's account details including name, title, email, role, track enrollment, and locations.

Edit My Account Details

To edit your account name, email-address, position, or password follow the steps below.

End of Course Assessments

What, when, and where are assessments?

Enroll a Staff Member in a Course

Direct Care staff must be manually enrolled in courses before their progress can begin recording.
